London Doorways – an Expanded Study of Triple-Arched Doorways (2023)

London Doorways – an Expanded Study of Triple-Arched Doorways takes a closer look and wider view to better understand the influences that produced the London Doorway and its architectural significance. Since the posthumous publication (see below) of Julia Beck’s work on the London Doorway, our passion for London Doorways has only grown. With newly identified London Doorways, our examination of this distinctive architectural expression has expanded to consider Classical antecedents, the Italianate style, and consider Gothic Revival influences of the later nineteenth century. While not all questions about the origins and inspiration of the London Doorway can be answered, London Doorways – an Expanded Study of Triple-Arched Doorways aims to celebrate this beautiful and uniquely London doorway.

London Doorways: A Study Of Triple Arched Doorways (2014)

London Doorways: A Study of Triple Arched Doorways (2014)

Published following her passing, this posthumous work documents Julia Beck’s passion for London Doorways.

Julia defined a London Doorway as, “having an arch, touching the frame of the doorway over the door and smaller, matching arches over the sidelights which extend above the height of the door.”

Julia suspected that the London Doorways may be the work of one artisan or tradesperson, with a potential connection to Ireland. While she wasn’t able to complete this research, we are exploring these areas.

London Doorways: A Study of Triple Arched Doorways (2014) by Julia Beck, edited by Genet Hodder, Maggie Whalley, and Nancy Tausky, is available at Attic Books (252 Dundas Street, London, Ontario) or at

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